Product Guarantees

Quimipool Piscinas y Jardines S.L. -hereinafter QUIMIPOOL-, the company which owns , guarantees all the products it distributes in accordance with the laws in force and the following conditions.

The consumer can contact both the seller and the manufacturer of the product, who will be responsible for any lack of conformity that may arise within a period of two years from delivery.

When the lack of conformity becomes apparent after 6 months and in doubtful cases, the manufacturer may require an independent expert report in order to process the warranty. In obvious cases of malfunction or irregular operation during the warranty period there is no problem.

In any case, during the time the consumer is deprived of the product, the warranty period is suspended, e.g. if the repair of an object takes 15 days, the warranty period will end 15 days later than originally foreseen.

The seller is liable for any lack of conformity that becomes apparent within two years of delivery.

Any manufacturer who has a guarantee longer than the 2 years stipulated by current law, must deal directly with the manufacturer and QUIMIPOOL is not responsible for such cases.

Conditions for companies and distributors: When the client is a distributor, or invoices as a company (non-individual), the delivery costs to our installations will always be charged to the client, as the law on consumer goods does not regulate the sale and purchase between companies. Furthermore, the warranty in these cases will be the one stipulated by the manufacturer of the product.

The consumer and user has the right to:

Repair or replace. The consumer and user may choose between repair or replacement, unless one of the two options is impossible or disproportionate. The one with the higher cost shall be considered disproportionate. Non-fungible goods (when they are of a specific nature) and second-hand goods cannot be replaced. Both repair and replacement must be carried out within a reasonable period of time and completely free of charge for the consumer.

NOTE: The guarantee can be managed directly with QUIMIPOOL, however some manufacturers offer direct management of the breakdowns/defects/incidents produced in their products in order to provide a quality after-sales service and reduce the time taken. In these cases, QUIMIPOOL will inform you so that you can decide whether to process it with us or with them.

Price reduction or termination of the contract. They will proceed when the consumer and user cannot demand the repair or replacement and in cases in which it has not been carried out within a reasonable period of time or without major inconvenience for the consumer and user. Termination shall not apply where the lack of conformity is minor.

Cancellation of guarantees
The guarantee may be cancelled for the following causes:

  • Incorrect use, handling or maintenance by the Customer.
  • Components burnt by overvoltage or electrical overcurrent.
  • Broken or damaged components subjected to impact.
  • Incorrect repair, modification or extension of equipment by the customer.
  • In short, no damaged material or material with obvious signs of incorrect handling will be accepted.

The warranty does not cover
The warranty does not cover defects caused by incorrect use of the product and/or handling of the product other than what is necessary to establish its nature, characteristics or operation. In such cases, the consumer shall be responsible for repairing the product. They are therefore excluded from the warranty:

  • Defects and deterioration caused by external events, accidents, mainly electrical accidents, wear and tear and use not in accordance with QUIMIPOOL's instructions.
  • Expendable elements that are replaceable and that wear out with use.
  • Products modified or repaired by the client or any other person not authorised by QUIMIPOOL, as well as products that are the object of a specific support contract.